Because Frosty Bottom operates a unique business model – with members who get their beer each month – they require an appointment to visit. The owners at Frosty Bottom can be reached via email or phone to schedule a tasting or tour, or to check them off on your Maine Beer Trail web app!
Frosty Bottom started as a hobby group in 2014, local home brewers coming together on Frost Hill in Swanville to brew as one. They quickly developed a following within our community and there was a need to grow. When the Friars’ Brewhouse upgraded in 2017, we got the nudge we needed from Brother Don when he offered us his 1-barrel brewhouse. Waldo County is rich with community supported agriculture, so we felt at home adopting the CSA philosophy by offering “beer shares” to our friends. As a true community supported brewery, we are committed to offering a variety of artisanal beers in small batches. Frosty Bottom is a solar-supported brewery inspired by Frost Hill, built with love by our friends and family.
Frosty Bottom Brewing
Photo Gallery
Staff Suggestions
Camden Hills State Park